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Making friends all around the world

International Rules


A list of the most important international rules in Operation Friendship

1. Age limits for a delegate 14 - 20 years. (Only for USA exchanges.)
2. No age limits for the advisor.
> acceptable to local/regional/national leadership
> acceptable to youths and parents
> in good physical condition in order to be able to take part in all official OF functions.
3. No use of illegal drugs.
4. No abuse of alcohol. (Consumption of alcohol is governed by the age-limit laws of the host country.)
5. No sexual misconduct
6. The host family should provide:
> 3 meals a day;
> transportation to official OF functions (in consultation with the local leadership);
> a separate bed;
> a home for the guest in which he/she feels at ease.

7. The host family starts the correspondence with its guest(s).
8. Local Board has to provide a well balanced programme which is in conformity with the goals and objectives of Operation Friendship.
9. Correspondence in connection with OF matters should follow the proper channel. This means that National Executives communicate, mainly through the National Secretary, the International Secretary and the National Chairman. It is advisable to keep the International Chairman informed as well.
10. Driving during an OF programme is prohibited for guests, delegates and advisors alike (Only for USA exchanges.).
11. The country that sends one or more groups and the hosting country need to have contact persons during the programme in case of an emergency.
12. If a country sends more than one group to a certain country it may appoint a head advisor.
13. Travel and Health Insurance to be provided by visiting delegates at his/her cost.
14. A former OF-delegate should not visit her/his host family or take part in a program during an official OF-exchange.